Posts Tagged 'costume'

Hungry Caterpillar Costume

Kyle comes home from school with this reminder taped to his planner.

“Don’t forget, Friday is the book parade. All kids need to come dressed in a costume as a book character…”

Oh gesh! Since Kyle has been sick at home, this ‘reminder’ is the first notice for us! I ask Kyle which character he wants to represent.

“I want to be The Very Hungry Caterpillar.”

Behold: The Very Hungry Caterpillar (aka Kyle)

Not bad for a days notice!

And he told me after school today some teachers said he was cute.  I would imagine so!

*Honestly I have to give my husband most of the credit!  He’s the best 🙂  We had talked about ways to fulfill Kyle’s request, settling on a tunic style assembly with a hood.  He had it envisioned perfectly in his mind and when I got home last night, he had cut out all the caterpillary pieces, so I had to sew them together and create the hood….but I couldn’t have done it without him!

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