Archive for February 6th, 2009

Grand Plans

There has been something brewing over here that I’ve kept a secret from nearly everyone in my life.  This is my normal tendency – and while I personally enjoy a good psychological analysis – I won’t go into my many theories regarding my social behaviors and choices.  I am, however, trying to be more open and honest (which I could also analyze but I won’t) so here it goes….

This coming October I am going to hike the Grand Canyon with my husband.  (You can’t actually apply for permits until much closer to the hike, but that is our plan.)  Another tendency of mine is to wait until the ABSOLUTE last minute…but if I waited until Oct. 1st to start training for this hike, they would probably have to life flight me out of the Canyon.  And so,  seeing as how I am completely out of shape, I have been working to rectify that!

I have no upper body strength, my back muscles are extremely weak, my cardiovascular health is pathetic – I’m a wreck!   So now, I’ve added a cardio and strength program back into my routine.  Twice a week, I submit myself to my personal trainer (aka my husband) so that he can torture me help me work on the strength portion of my routine.  Hopefully by October, I will be able to survive the hike, carry my hiking backpack, and maybe even enjoy it?!?!?!  It’ll feel good to cross that off of my life “to do” list!

Wish me luck or pray for me or something!  Just don’t tell me I’m crazy  🙂

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February 2009